Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My Music Highlights of 2014

2014 has been a strong year for me in pursuing my goals as an emerging composer.

In March, I had the privilege of having one of my works-in-progress read by the professional string group from Moscow, Chamber Orchestra Kremlin. This was a tremendous experience, and I was much impressed by their playing skill. They inspired me to want to write more for orchestra.

In the spring I finished my first year as a graduate student in the Masters program at WOU, and continued working on new pieces, including a short work for guitar and winds called Cranes.

On Dec. 3, my first complete piece for full orchestra, Citations Musicales, was performed by the Western Oregon Symphony. It is a suite of three movements based on piano works by French composer Erik Satie. Working with the symphony was another excellent experience for me as a composer.

I did not perform much this year, but had the honor of singing in the Western Hemisphere Voices backing choir for influential songwriter Allen Toussaint’s show with Western Hemisphere Orchestra on Dec. 6.

I also sang this year with Vox Capitolio, a new choir being organized by a friend from WOU. We performed a program of Christmas classics at several local venues, finishing off with a well-received performance at the Zoo Lights in Portland on Dec. 23.

All in all, this has been a pretty great year for my music, and I look forward to 2015 when I will be completing my Master’s degree, putting on a recital of more of my latest works, and producing a recording project. I will continue to put my music forward for performance opportunities as I further hone my craft. So stay tuned for further developments from me, and I wish you all a happy and successful 2015!

And thanks for all the likes and shares! I appreciate knowing people are interested in what is going on with me and my music! Happy New Year!

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