Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Sky (1997-ish)

The Sky

There must be something great
'bout that place we call the sky
where wispy rainbows hang
and graceful eagles fly.

There must be something grand
where colossus mountains grow.
There every tree doth reach
and from there all rivers flow.

There must be something mighty
that holds the great sun high
to raise it in the morning
and lay it low 'fore nigh.

There must be something special
in the space over the trees
that cheers our waking moment
and fills our pleasant dreams.

There must be something gracious
above the seas and land,
with billowed harlequin face
and warm extending hand.

There must be something powerful
that sparks great light and flame
and belches forth a blast
that makes our greatest tame.

And where'd we be today
without the great big sky?
Without its loving rain?
Without its twinkling eye?

But no, it's worse than that
for if the sky should fall
we'd have no lives to live:
No, nothing here at all.

There must be something good
that makes us want to learn
and makes us want to fly,
and that our souls do yearn.

(1997, 2/27/2010)

I hadn't posted anything new here for over a month, so I decided to share an older poem again today. Life has been busy for me lately, in good ways! I hope this poem captures some sense of growth and the awakening of springtime. I've dated it originally to 1997 because that is the date on the computer file I have, but I think I may have written a version of it a few years earlier and expanded it in 1997.