Sunday, July 24, 2011

Only You

Only You

No moon,
Never dawn:
Skyless night
Alone with you.


Sorry my blog has been so quiet the past couple of months. I've certainly been busy and this shows with my slower output. Poetry requires a lot of focus, and my focus has been elsewhere. But it's been good. I'm writing music, and enjoying the many loves in my life.

I will try to keep posting at least once per month and sometimes still share an older poem if I don't have a new one I want to post on here.

As for my music, I've been putting finishing touches on my first string quartet which I hope to get performed this fall at WOU. (Any string players out there interested in seeing my score and/or possibly playing on it with me, feel free to contact me!) I have the rondo movement on my youtube here, and am thinking of posting the third and possibly fourth movements on there as soon as I feel like they are "done."

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